Open format!

Closed format!
For detailed write-ups of the individual sets, please see our posts on the 10193 Medieval Market Village and 7946 King's Castle. For this series, we have two formats: the open MMV and border pass; and the closed MMV and castle! As usual, please click on the extended post to find out more!
Open format
Once upon a time, in a kingdom far away...
In a sleepy village...
Something's brewing...
Hidden from the public view
Far away from the Border Pass!
Evening comes, and the villagers leave the border pass...
With their goods...
"Close the gates!"
Ordered the Lion King,
As the day's business drew to a close
Meanwhile, a deal is struck with the Dragon troops...
Later that night...
As the Lion King was about to call it a day...
With the customs checkpoint closed to outsiders...
A daring heist was underway!
Right underneath the Lion troops' noses,
The Dragon troops conspire to steal the King's treasure!
With the local militiamen acting as lookouts,
The local blacksmith to pick the lock and a sniper at the ready...
Breaking in was the easy part!
The job done, the team makes its escape under the cover of darkness...
With the Lion troops only just realizing the King's treasure room had been burgled!
Hidden from view by the wagon, the team makes its way to the village...
Where they count the loot and divide the spoils!
Meanwhile, the Lion King leads a quick response force...
Hoping to catch up with the thieves!
The robbers are caught offguard! Time for Plan B!
The King's troops arrive shortly, only to find the blacksmith and militiamen with the treasure box
"Your Majesty, we were over at the tavern and we heard a commotion at the blacksmith shop. When we reached the shop, we found this box."
After checking that the treasure box contained all the missing jewels...
The King orders the militiamen to report any suspicious activity to the King's office...
All the while oblivious to the fact that three outnumbered Dragon troops were within their grasp!
After all the fuss, the Lion troops return to the pass with their treasure and call it a night...
While the militiamen and blacksmith find the Dragon troops long gone!
Closed format
Medieval gym at the Blacksmith/Stable!
Playing with the farm animals!
Walk-in guests at the Tavern!
King's Castle a stone's throw away from the Village!
Blacksmith presenting the King his sword! Check out his reward!
Another shot of our Medieval Kingdom MOC!
Feast for our visitors from out of town and celebration for our blacksmith!
Marketplace is still open for business!
We can't get enough of our cute farm animals!
Our medieval policemen hanging out at the stable!
He knows what he wants to be when he grows up!
Medieval delivery service!
Medieval customs checkpoint!
It has been an exciting experience creating our Medieval Kingdom MOC. Stay tuned as we build on this MOC with our other sets from the Lego Kingdom Series! :)
Related posts:
Goodbye to our Medieval Market Village #10193...
Little Yellow Brick Pick #6 - 10223 Kingdoms Joust
Little Yellow Brick Special #1: Change of Heart!
It's March!
It's April!
Our 12th Lego project - 10193 Medieval Market Village
It's June!
July 2012!!!
Our 14th Lego project - 10223 Kingdoms Joust
October 2012!
good work. it's really nice to see both sets together.. i have yet to fix the king's castle!
ReplyDeletemaybe you can get some grey baseplate, and some green plants too :) btw the windmill (mill attack set) has a couple of farm animals.